est. 1999
Claudia Estanislau
Claudia Estanislau, Dip.DTBC
Fundadora da IAAD, treinadora e comportamento de cães – especialidade comportamentos agressivos
Courses and Training
Diploma DTBC (Dog Training and Behaviour Consulting) pelo CASI Institute – mentor Dr. James O’Heare, especialização em agressão canina
Diploma LLA (Living Learning with Animals) da Drª Susan Friedman 2016
Diploma FFPE (Family Paws Educator) da Family Paws 2017/2018
Diploma Aggression from A to Z with Michael Shikashio
Participante do seminário Woof em Inglaterra Fevereiro de 2013
Participante das sessões de 3 dias da SPARCS Junho 2013
Participante do seminário de 2 dias em Espanha com a Drª Susan Friedman
Participante da Clicker Expo em Inglaterra
Professional Activities beyond Its All About Dogs (my own company)
Trainer and behaviourist RSPCA – Tonbridge Wells, Inglaterra 2005
Teacher at University Lusófona no curso CET Dog Training Course 2016
Author of articles for national dog magazine Cães e Companhia for over 4 years
Teacher at Pós-Graduação em Comportamento Animal da Inspsic (Post Graduation at Psychology Institute) for dog training and behaviour modules for 3 different years
Portuguese Representative for Pet Professional Guild Internacional
Member IAABC – International Association, of Animal Behaviour Consultants, setor comportamento e treino de cães
Certified member of IMDT desde 2015
Eventos organizados ou Oradora
Organizer of seminar with Dr. Ian Dunbar in Portugal Setembro 2012
Speaker at Zootec 2013 em Foz de Iguaçu, Brazil in Maio de 2013
Speaker at seminar "Positive Reinforcement Training" in São Paulo – Brasil Maio de 2013
Speaker at a workshop for Dog Trainers in São Paulo – Brasil, Maio de 2013
Speaker at a seminar alongside Drª Karen Pryor - Portugal Setembro 2013
Speaker for 2 different years at the Annual International Conference of IMDT UK (2016 e 2018)
Speaker for seminar Dog Language and Behaviour Problems durin primeiras Jornadas de Comportamento e Treino Animal realizadas na University Agrária de Bragança em Outubro de 2013
Speaker at Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária de Lisboa (University for Veterinary in Lisbon), Março 2014
Speaker at seminar “Agression and Dominance” in São Paulo, Blumenau, and Belo Horizonte in Brasil March 2014
Speaker at São Paulo e Porto Alegre do tema “Puppy classes” 2016
Organizer of 2 seminars in Brasil São Paulo for Dr. Ian Dunbar 2015
Speaker at a seminar for 2 days in Brasília, Brasil about Dog Behaviour and Dog Communication Signals
Speaker in Florianopolis, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Blumenau sobre o tema LIMA and Humane Hierarchy 2017
Other competences
Organizer and teacher in the Course for Dog Trainers (CTC) da Its All About Dogs for 8 years with Portuguese and Brazilien students
Official translator into Portuguese of the books “Before and after you get your puppy" from Dr. Ian Dunbar and "Culture Shock” from Jean Donaldson
Developer of the website “Deite a taça no lixo” (throw your dog food dish out" promoting interactive ways to feed the dogs and mental stimulation
Developer of the Blog “Cãosciência” desde 2006
Developer of the Blog “Cão Acorrentado” about raising awareness to the problematic of chaining dogs outside.
Formal invitation by Ministry of Agriculture to hear my views about Breed Specific Legislation - DGAV 2014