est. 1999
Nicole Wilde
Nicole Wilde, B.A., CPDT
Advisory Board Member
Nicole Wilde is a Certified Pet Dog Trainer (CPDT) who specializes in behavior issues. She is a professional member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT) and a popular speaker at the organization’s national conferences. She is also an Instructor and on the Advisory Board for The Companion Animal Sciences Institute.
Nicole is an internationally recognized author and lecturer. Her books include Living with Wolfdogs, Wolfdogs A-Z, So You Want to be a Dog Trainer, It’s Not the Dogs, It’s the People!, One on One: A Dog Trainer’s Guide to Private Training, and Help for Your Fearful Dog. She writes training and behavior articles for various newspapers and magazines, including an ongoing training column for Modern Dog Magazine. Nicole co-stars in the DVD “Train Your Dog: The Positive Gentle Method,” co-hosts the “Dog Talk” radio show, and was featured in the Paul Owens DVD “The Dog Whisperer.”
Nicole’s experience includes a position as Volunteer Coordinator for the City of Los Angeles’ Animal Services, where she instructed volunteers in canine handling and behavior, handled hundreds of dogs, and served as adoption counselor. She served as Executive Director for Villalobos Rescue Center, a sanctuary for rescued wolves/wolf hybrids, pit bulls and exotic animals. Nicole’s specialty was socializing fearful wolves who were to live out their lives at the center. She also trained wolves and other canines and gave seminars for animal control officers, schools and specialty groups. Nicole’s experience is rounded out by having worked at a doggy daycare (supervising 40-50 off-leash dogs daily!), a veterinarian’s office, giving group classes as well as personal instruction, and holding a position as Editor-in-Chief for a Get-A-Pet magazine.
Nicole owns and operates Gentle Guidance Dog Training in Southern California (www.gentleguidance4dogs.com). With warmth, humor and positive techniques, she trains owner to train their dogs. Nicole continues to teach national and international seminars for professional and aspiring dog trainers, to educate the public, and to assist rescue groups and dogs in need whenever possible.